Good intuition is not a talent, it’s something you develop.
The only reason some people have better intuition than others is because they’ve practiced using it. Chances are if you ask people who have “good intuition” how they know what they know, they’ll describe a certain feeling or phenomenon they experience whenever they get a hit.
I used to think that singers were just born that way. But, great singers are often born into singing families! They’ve been practicing since Day 1.
The thing about intuition is that it comes with the human design. That means, if you’re human, and I think you are, you have this program, because that’s part of what it means to be human. All humans are even on this front. If you really take a moment to breathe that in, it’s really quite remarkable. We’re all on even ground when it comes to this thing called intuition. What happens after we’re born, of course, adds or takes away from the program, but I know you catch my drift by now.
I am telling you this because I want so badly to remind you that no matter what kind of misfortune you’ve faced in your life, there is hope, because you have this in-built GPS system whose sole focus is to make you happy! Even the best of best friends can’t guarantee you that.
If you want to connect with your intuition, all you need is to embrace yourself, figuratively speaking. Loving yourself means that you open your heart to everything about yourself and accept yourself. That’s where intuition begins because the moment you embrace yourself you open yourself to the truth of who you really are and who others really are.
That’s why the most famous spiritual question is: Who am I?