How can I relate to others?
As human beings, it is natural for us to try to relate to others. There is a natural connection between people, which we sometimes experience strongly, or try to tune out. This connection is something so instinctual, so normal, that if we focused on it, so many issues could be resolved.
As we go through life, it’s difficult to find someone who can teach you about energy and the way it really works. Coming back to the idea of connection- have you ever found yourself avoiding certain people, nesting at home away from others, or have you ever felt so overwhelmed by being in groups of any size that you purposely restrict social activities?
You aren’t alone in this feeling and you aren’t crazy.
We have two psychic senses that when not fully realized, can overwhelm you and make you want to limit your natural interactions with others.
Clairempathy is probably the most popularly known clairsense. It also gets a little bit of a bad rap. Feeling other peoples’ feelings more often feels like a burden than a superpower. But, when you get the hang of it, and can pinpoint where the energy is coming from, it actually frees you from mistakenly taking energy home that doesn’t belong to you. Clairempathy truly has the power to help us understand what’s actually going on with people, and guide our interactions.
When you can distinguish what is your feeling versus what belongs to someone else, you can begin to remove the stress that you feel, to empower you to live as you like.
Clairsentience is also based in feeling, but it’s less emotional than clairempathy. If someone is experiencing pain somewhere in their body, you’d pick it up, because in their presence or when you think of them, you would feel something similar in your own body. Can you believe that the physical pain you’re experiencing might actually come from someone else?
Learning how to master these two clair senses can gift you the experiences you’ve always wanted, but haven’t quite understood how to attain, due to the overwhelming information you pick up. To discover how to master your clair senses, visit us here.