Finally, a detoxification course that addresses and supports every aspect needed for achieving better health: Diet, Supplements, and Emotional healing.
28 Day Detox - Return to Self, Balance and Health: Online Course
A Healthier Body Supports Emotional Well-being AND Access to the Psychic Senses.
An Intestinal cleanse that Restores the Digestion system back to health - all Online
Course Includes:
10 lessons with videos providing every detail to be successful in the cleanse (food choices, supplements and emotional healing).
Details of which foods to eat and why: Specific vegetables and fruits that are nutrient dense, thus aiding the gut healing process.
A downloadable recipe “book” and grocery list, to support the shopping and cooking experience.
Supplements and protocol to support the elimination process.
4 weekly workbooks and support videos coaching you through each week of diet and supplement changes.
Step by step liver detox guide, finishing the detox process.
2 sessions, one hour each, of Live coaching from Sedona Healing Arts coaches that can be used for emotional healing support, or assistance with the cleanse.
If your body could talk, what would it tell you?
Our bodies do talk, they talk through inflammation, sleep disorders, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, depression, headaches, foggy and sluggish energy.
Accumulation of toxins, stress, trauma and poor dietary choices are what contribute to feeling less than optimal and sometimes miserable.
Our bodies are incredibly adept in healing when we remove the offending elements and provide the nurturing and nutrients they need.
By following the protocols in the 28 Day Detox - Return to Self, Balance and Health cleanse, everything the body needs, the emotional healing coupled with specific supplements and nutrient dense foods, the body can restore itself back to a better state of health.
Detoxing will activate your natural healing system
Week 1
Through the process of changing your diet, you’ll notice changes happening in your body and emotions.
Week 2
As the change of diet intensifies, you’ll begin using specific supplements that assist in the rate of release and healing.
Week 3
Your body’s now reaching new levels of release, both physically and emotionally. Gut Healing and Emotional Healing support are offered to help in your progress.
Week 4
In this last week, you’ll continue with the diet as your body adjusts to a new healthier state. The program ends with a liver detox and post detox integration steps.

You will excrete damaged cells that have held old toxic emotional memories, face all your most prevalent and chronic issues and let them go.
Yolessa Lawrinnce
Exceeded my expectations!
This detox cleansed me of emotional baggage, improving my physical appearance, and giving me more focus, clarity, energy and vitality. I definitely feel more balanced from within, which has significantly improved my confidence and sense of self-empowerment.
(taken from longer testimonial).
Deanna Czerwonka, Owner at Inspiring Wellness for Life
Three Core Differentiators:
10 detailed detox lessons that guide you through specifics of which foods and why, combining foods, hydration, emotional healing and more. Plus, weekly coaching lessons and support materials.
3 comprehensive videos containing exercises aiding the organs during detox: tapping, organ detox and abdominal breathing.
Approx. value of $500 in supplements are included and mailed to you (US only).
A specific protocol designed using these supplements is taught in lesson 8 and the protocol begins in week 2 of the program. More information on each supplement
2 one-hour sessions with a Sedona Healing Arts coach, can be used for emotional healing or questions and help pertaining to detox results and being successful in the cleanse.
The 28 Day Detox - Return to Self, Balanace and Health cleanse is a complete intestinal cleanse. In addition to being a formal detox the program also incorporates a course on the secret fundamentals of health. The information in this course has been gathered and refined over 15+ years. We spent 1 year revising this entire detox program to make it better and more comprehensive. The goal is that you see significant results post-detox and feel confident moving forward in conducting future detoxes or making permanent lifestyle changes.
All participants will gain a 1-year subscription to all the contents so they can repeat the process entirely at will.
What people are saying
“I have more clarity, access to intuition, connection to self. I achieved everything and more. More confidence in self and self discipline. I identified emotional connection to food when anxious. I feel more grounded, lost weight, released emotional attachments. I’m comfortable in beingness and a lot lighter.”
Meet Yolessa the Creator
I know detox because I went through it. I began experimenting with detox methods after I developed chronic pain derived from a near 80-degree scoliotic spine despite surgery with Harrington Rods, and worsening eyesight due to glaucoma. In the first stages of adopting a vegan diet, liver cleanses and enemas, by body began thoroughly releasing on its own.
The information in this course has been gathered and refined over 15+ years from a combination of experiences with top therapists, doctors and healers in detox worldwide.
The 28 Day Detox - Return to Self, Balance and Health, is a complete intestinal cleanse. In addition to being a formal detox, the program also incorporates a course on the secret fundamentals of health and spiritual awakening.
Truly miraculous!
When I first met Yolessa Lawrinnce I was in severe digestive discomfort. A significant disconnect from my body was taking place and I was miserable - physically and emotionally. Through a matter of happenstance I found myself having an initial consultation with Yolessa and realizing it was essential I make some profound changes in my life choices. Shortly thereafter I signed up for the 28 Day Detox - Return to Self, Balance and Health.
Step by step throughout the detox, emotional work, yoga classes and deep breathing I felt a renewed mind body connection. I felt lighter from feeding my body with the nutrients it thrives on. And I felt emotionally more clear with a deep sense of ease. I know my nervous system relaxed. My mind, body, spirit connection was alive again. Truly miraculous!
Kelly Burke, Kelly Burke Photography
Meet the Sedona Healing Arts Team
Kristen Sommer
Organ Detox Trainer
An Intuitive Healer, licensed massage therapist and massage school instructor for 20+ years, Kristen has a passion to help people be the best version of themselves. Whether it is through gentle guidance on one’s next steps, or helping to uncover past issues that stand in the way of your current success, Kristen is determined to help you find the answers that you need for self improvement and happiness.
Inspired by the intuitive guidance received to help her recover from Lyme Disease, Kristen redirected her abilities from intuitive massage to intuitive guidance. She looks forward to working with you in your transformation journey.
28 Day Detox, a Return to Self, Balance and Health - Online Course
$2,999 for complete online course.
Includes over $500 in supplements mailed to you (US only).
We are not medical doctors.
DO consult your physician if you are currently taking any medications or have any serious health issues before starting any detox program.
Enrollment is open from December 12-18.
Best Value
1 payment
of $2,999
two payments
$1,530 each.
First payment made
at time of enrollment.
Second Payment due
the following month.
Access to online materials/course good for 1 year and can be repeated at any time.
Additional Support:
Additional Emotional healing can be purchased when purchasing the program for a reduced rate of $160 / hour (usual rate $200 per hour). Purchase option included on Check Out page.