Advance the spiritual gifts Available to you Now:

The Intuitive Development Course & Reader Certification

Are you ready to Know Your Power?

Step Into the Classroom: Introduction

Discovery and Advancement all in One

Core Pillars Covered in Course:

  • 10+ modules devoted to the principles of energy that build confidence in and set the foundation to benefit from your Spiritual Gifts completely.

  • 19+ exercises and meditations that spark the development of consciousness and activate core energy centers.

  • Lessons and exercises that focus on intuitive and psychic development, creating a game changer in everyday life.

  • Lessons devoted to the emotional energy body and exercises that help heal emotional wounds blocking your intuition, essential for both being a reader and understanding the blockages of those you are reading.

Reader Certification Option:

  • 2 Hour Live Practicum dedicated to intuitive reading.

Develop your true power to change your life and become more than you knew existed



“A profound Process to reconnect with clarity, sincerity and unconditional Love within.”

A profound Process to reconnect with clarity, sincerity and unconditional Love within and retrieve the hindered abilities to See truth in acceptance . An inspiring quote shared ' Intuition serves a higher intelligence for All ' . Acknowledging my intuition now is powerfully informing my mind and actions in service to All .  My greatest challenge was retrieving fragmentation, during intense healing peaks, to reconcile information in my energetic system . Gradually my Brain created space for further insight, discernment and interconnection to read clearly . I am grateful for all the integration in this experience, opening a new level of perception ,  where I can celebrate a new Beginning .

Monira Latin, Certified Intuitive Reader

Once you open up the psychic channels for Communication, Consciousness shows up

  • 50 lessons containing lectures, exercises, meditations and information all developed to expand the understanding and ignition of the psychic senses, transforming your relationship with yourself and life.

  • Lectures and exercises specific for the emotional healing of trauma, something we all need, and essential for intuitive development.

  • Help and mentoring from Sedona Healing Arts professionals via bimonthly Q&A sessions, homework feedback and hands on coaching during the intuitive reading practicum.

  • 20+ Homework assignments, and homework feedback, that augment the exercises and accrue towards an intuitive Reader Certification.

  • More than 30 hours of lecture requiring a minimum of 12 weeks to complete, and 20 weeks for greater competency.

  • 12-month access to course materials.

  • Sedona Healing Arts network support for completing certification readings.

Living out of synch with your consciousness is like living life in the closet of your home

What You Will Learn

The Purpose of Intuitive Reading: The Laws and Principles

  • Energy, Dimensions & Planes

  • Human Completion

  • Introduction to the Principles of Healing

  • The Chakras & Human Character

  • Divine Masculine/Feminine

Unconditional Love

  • Consciousness, Soul & the True Self

  • 5 Element Theory

  • Good vs. Evil/Light vs. Darkness/Negative vs. Positive Transmutation

Understanding Intuitive Reader Misnomers

  • What is an “Accurate Reading?” – Time & Tools

Preparation & Protection Before Reading

  • Mindset, Practice of Connection

  • Energetic Ceremony: Inviting & Disinviting Spirits

  • Geum-chok: The art of becoming non-responsive to stimuli

Energy Sensitization Training

  • Becoming one with your subject

  • Dahnjon

  • Auras

  • Jigam Energy Meditation

  • The Mechanics of Creation – The Evolution of Matter

  • Elements, Plants, Animals, Crystals & Human energy

  • Applying The 5 Senses beyond the 6th Sense

  • Mindscreen Training

  • Life Particle Meditation

Using the Clairsenses to Read (8 Lessons)

  • Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairgustance, Clairsalience, Claircognizance, Clairvoyance

Energy Alchemizing/Transformation

  • Pineal Gland Activation Training

  • Understanding pain as a messenger

  • Manifestation Creative Alchemizing through Intention; Vision & Goals

Emotion Mapping

Various Other Modalities

  • Hypnosis and Past Lives

Universal Symbols, Dreams, Messages, etc., (5 Lessons)

  • Symbols, Tarot, Listening to Your Guides, Affirmations, Pendulum Training




If you are Ready for something big in Your life, it’s the start.

Deeper relationship with yourself and others.

Changes your interactions with the people in your life by becoming more in-tune with yourself.

Seeing through the lens of discernment. Family dynamics and outlook on life better.

Going deeper allows you to expand to learn.. how to love myself, release emotions and live for myself.

Through this course You Not only develop Inside, you also have the Opportunity to become a certified Intuitive Reader

You will actually practice reading others and be validated in your abilities as a true psychic intuitive and would be qualified to be promoted as a reader for Sedona Healing Arts. 

Here’s What You Can Expect From The Certification Process

  • Monthly checkins to ensure you are on the right track

  • Required homework and feedback from the facilitators that prepares you for doing an intuitive reading and becoming certified

  • Practicum: 20+ Hours of Psychic Reading Practice on Real People

    • Access to Sedona Healing Arts network of past and present students, healers and readers for practice readings and mentorship - Sedona Healing Arts to provide scheduling and feedback tracking

  • Practicum: Two live individual instructions and feedback from Yolessa Lawrinnce

  • 1 Year of Q+A Class Membership (get spiritual guidance and readings free of charge throughout the duration of the course biweekly)

Benefits of becoming a Certified Intuitive Reader

Gain a New Spiritual Perspective, Increased Confidence, Faster Decision-Making Skills, Improved and Consistent Manifestation, Heal people Psychically, Shift to a state of profound happiness and peace, Faster Recovery, Emotional Stability and Improved Relationships

With a strong sense of trust, you will be able to manifest the life you desire and break free from old destructive patterns and feelings of entrapment.

Yolessa Lawrinnce

Your Intuition Has Only One Goal, To Make You Happy

We are inundated with information 24/7 from electronic devices, our relationships with people and their moods, thoughts and emotional ups and downs, from books and institutions with their own agendas, you name it. All of this information is energy that is consistently drawing your attention, your focus, your energy, many times without you even being conscious of what is happening to you.

Becoming a skilled intuitive is about training your energetic discernment, gaining the power to know what’s what. To know what feelings truly belong to your true self and are authentic and what you are picking up from your environment. With this superpower you no longer burden yourself with attempting to process unnecessarily other people’s stuff, becoming powerfully connected to yourself, your impulses and desires act as a GPS to guide you to fulfilling your purpose in the best way possible.

This course has two main objectives:

1. To release any blocks to utilizing your intuition and receiving spiritual guidance.

2. Step-by-step learning and practicing reading and healing methods to continuously maintain a pure energetic state from which you can readily use your psychic power. 

Meet Yolessa the Creator

Years of Experience: 17+

Yolessa is a natural born intuitive healer. She uses her clairsentience, clairvoyance and clairaudience in a non-judgmental and compassionate way to communicate with your Higher Self and Spirit relaying important messages with accuracy. Her deep understanding of the universal laws and principles adds to her ability to deliver wisdom and guidance about your love life, career, family relationships, past lives, life purpose and destiny. She is also a medium, able to connect with lost loved ones to heal relationships or grief.

Yolessa is the Director and Main Trainer of the Intuitive Development and Detox programs offered through Sedona Healing Arts. She continues to hold her license to practice law.

Intuitive Development and Intuitive Reader Certification Course

What if your spiritual gifts are your superpower?

Enrollment open September 19-25, 2024.

Intuitive Development And Certification $4,499

$715 Savings

50 hrs (30 hrs principle + 20 hrs practical)

3 months to complete 20 hours of practice psychic readings (required to obtain certification)

Intuitive Reader Development $3,219

*Intuitive Reader Certification Course $1,995

*Intuitive Reader Development is a prerequisite for the certification.

Best Value

Intuitive Development
AND Certification: Both courses in
1 payment


(Save $715)

Twelve Monthly Payments
both courses

12 x $392

First payment made at time of enrollment. Second Payment due
the following month.

Intuitive reader
certification Course

1 payment


Intuitive reader Development Course

1 Payment



