The 8 Clairsenses you might have.


Many of us are familiar with the term “Clairsenses,” in passing, but haven’t necessarily given serious thought as to which ones we might actually have.

“Clairsense” is a term used to describe 8 Psychic Senses that transform our 5 senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell into the 6th sense. That means you hear what can’t be heard, see things that cannot be seen, touch things without touching, or with touching know things that shouldn’t be known, taste things without tasting, and smell things without smelling…I think you get the picture. Even so, how does all that happen?

Remember energy is frequency, and our 5 senses are designed to pick up a certain range of it. But, what if you could expand your perception of frequency so that you could perceive ranges of frequency that went beyond what our 5 physical senses were technically designed to perceive? You can!

As an everyday experience you might hear peoples’ thoughts, get visions, have dreams, be empathic, or smell and taste illness, and much, much more.

Here’s an overview of the 8 Psychic Senses You Might Have 


People generally assume that Psychics are using this sense. Not so! Many Psychics are stronger in their other clairsenses and defer to them. Clairvoyance is usually characterized by visions, premonitions, and dreams. All your clairsenses are simply translating energy. This one is like a projector screen that represents all types of energy as images. That means this clairsense is often working through the visual vocabulary in your brain, using them as symbols to give you a message…and then sometimes the visions are right in front of you! 

You can see things externally or internally. Sometimes what you’re seeing may appear as though it’s in front of you, outside your body. Whereas, at other times it could be something you see in your mind which makes it easier to pass off as your imagination, until you find out later that it was a Psychic vision of what was going to happen!

You can even classify your eye being drawn to visual signs such as Angel numbers and white feathers as clairvoyance.


People often assume that clairaudience means you hear voices, and yes—a lot of clairaudient Psychics and mediums will be able to deliver messages from spirits this way because they can hear words being spoken to them…but that isn’t common. 

Have you ever noticed your ears getting hot for no apparent reason? Have you ever noticed words in a song that seemed to be timed perfectly for what you were thinking in that moment, or even knew what song was going to come on the radio? What about odd sounds like frequency, screeching or bangs, out of nowhere? Seems almost too unbelievable, right? That’s clairaudience and the universe saying ‘PAY ATTENTION.’


This is probably the most popularly known clairsense. It also gets a little bit of a bad rap. Feeling other peoples’ feelings more often feels like a burden than a superpower. But, when you get the hang of it, and can pinpoint where the energy is coming from, it actually frees you from mistakenly taking energy home that doesn’t belong to you. Clairempathy truly has the power to help us understand what’s actually going on with people and guide our interactions.


Clairsentience is also based in feeling, but it’s less emotional than clairempathy. If someone is experiencing pain somewhere in their body, you’d pick it up, because in their presence or when you think of them, you would feel something similar in your own body. 


Clairtangency is when you feel touch from a person who isn’t touching you. It’s basically, touching with just a thought. I know, that seems farfetched. But, have you ever felt someone behind you staring at you, or felt a presence in nature or otherwise. Boom! You’re clairtangent.

Alternatively, sometimes clairtangency is the result of actually touching a person or an object. Through touch you receive information about the thing you are touching by picking up on energy stored within the object. If you are a lover of crystals, then you know this sense!

People with clairtangency would probably avoid having old things in their home because they energy is too much for them to be around all the time.


This is probably the least well-known Psychic sense. Most commonly used in connection with mediums and spirits, a reader might taste your grandma’s food when you think of her though deceased or even go so far as to taste blood when they’re doing a reading for someone who’s relative died in a tragic accident. Intense!


Have you ever heard of someone who worked in a hospital and reported smelling cancer? Or, smelt fire whilst approaching an ancient ritual ground? While the smells don’t usually linger, and have no logical explanation, they can give a medium valuable information about a person or place. 


Have you ever just known that something was going to happen, without knowing why? Claircognizance is what many people are calling downloads. They receive a piece of information into their mental field, and they know it as fact. It’s not an emotional sense at all. It just is.

Curious about your psychic senses? Our psychic and intuitive development courses will help you discover and learn to utilize your unique psychic blueprint.


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